Read up on the biggest issues, elections, and public policies that are shaping our state.

That’s a wrap! Our 2022 legislative summary

After a historic 2021 legislative session where legislators passed sweeping reforms to our tax code, climate policies, and police accountability, they took a more cautious approach during this short session.

While we were disappointed that legislators failed to pass a number of important progressive bills this year, overall we saw valuable strides forward on other priorities including transportation, abortion access, community safety, affordable housing, and more.

Health Care Workers Need Our Help In Olympia

Throughout the pandemic, health care workers have worked tirelessly and risked their own lives to protect all of us. Now they need our help to create safe working conditions that ensures patients get the care they need.

Countless health care workers are burned out and at the breaking point after being on the front lines of the pandemic. Washington has faced a shortage of medical staff for years, but the last two years have turned this challenge into a statewide crisis.

A Small Ode to Black Joy in the Pacific Northwest

Art by Alisha B Wormsley

There was a particular Christmas, many years ago, where I joined the adults at their table. I was an adult myself, in age but not in hierarchy, and my mother and father presided over the aunts and uncles from the end of the table.

Sen. Randall Earns Fuse Legislator of the Week Award

Fuse Washington named Sen. Emily Randall (D-Bremerton) the "Legislator of the Week" for her leadership in improving wage transparency for Washington workers.

A Billionaire's Tax For Washington

A billion dollars a day?

In recent days we’ve learned that the collective wealth of America’s 10 richest billionaires has more than doubled during this pandemic. That’s right, they’re getting $1 billion richer per day. Three of those billionaires live in Washington, yet they are not required to pay what they truly owe to our communities in taxes.

We Need More Housing

Here’s a fact that won’t shock you—the American housing affordability crisis is only getting more extreme. Almost half of U.S.

What We're Watching In Olympia This Year

The newly empowered progressive majority in the state Legislature passed sweeping reforms last year during a historically productive session. From beginning to balance our state’s upside-down tax code and passing major climate legislation to expanding voting access and increasing law enforcement accountability, the 2021 session was one for the history books.

The 2022 legislative session begins today with a wave of momentum from last year’s successes and no senators from West Virginia to derail progress.

In America, the voters decide our elections

One year ago today, MAGA militants stormed the Capitol in a deadly and shocking attempt to overturn the will of the people. Incited by then-President Trump and his fellow Republicans, they stormed the capitol in an attempt to overturn our election then tried to cover up their role in this violence.

They failed, but Republican legislatures across the country are working overtime to make sure they won’t fail the next time around. They continue to spread lies about our elections and our government to keep their supporters engaged and enraged.

So What Happened? Fuse's 2021 Election Wrap-Up

Although some of last week’s election headlines are pretty rough, here at Fuse we’re encouraged by the dozens of progressive candidates who won local races in every corner of the state. Many of them defeated far-right opponents. This diverse slate of candidates represents the future of our movement and many of them will be on our ballots again seeking higher office in the years to come.

We’ve included a summary of some of the key races we’ve been following below.

Fuse Progress Partners

This month marks the 10-year anniversary of PowerSource, our monthly donor program. Our PowerSource members have been a pivotal part of our work at Fuse over the past decade, changing what’s possible and expanding our impact. Here are just a few of the many accomplishments we’ve made with their sustained support: